Thursday, September 10, 2009

The speech of the century

The President of the United States of America decided to take time out of his day to talk to the children of the nation. While the speech was greeted with some enthusiasm, there were many who greeted with apathy or disgust.

I mean, for crying out loud. I couldn't believe my ears when I was told by the administration that public schools had three options: one, not to broadcast it; two, broadcast it; and three, give students the option to leave the classroom if it was being shown.

Are you serious? Since when is a speech by the president dangerous? Don't get me wrong. There have been leaders in history who have brain-washed a nation. This clearly isn't the case. This speech was uplifting and meant to be motivational.

No matter what people think, having an education is important in this day and age. And for the most part I think people agree with that. At the same time I still know people who start college then don't go back because of money or jobs or whatever the case may be. In the end the majority of these individuals end up working dead-end jobs never reaching their full potential. Along with that, they never do what they truly want to do with their life.

So when Barry wants to tell the youth of nation to stay in school and when the going gets tough, get tough with the going, I'm not sure what people are so afraid of.

Parents need to look beyond the edge of their noses and put their politics aside. If they did, there would be more tolerance and less of a perpetuating cycle of closed-minded adults raising closed-minded children.

But remember the heart of the message. Stay in school.

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