Friday, May 22, 2009


The past three days I've been doing nothing but attending graduations. There are seven high schools in our school district and we had to divide that up between four reporters. Lucky me, I got to cover three of them.

After attending so many of these commencements it really starts to get boring, but yesterday I had the chance to cover the graduation of the alternative high school in our county. You know, the school where people throw the "unmanageable kids."

That's all a crock. Those 70 kids who graduated Thursday night are amazing. They are truly worthy to wear those caps and gowns, worthy to accept those diplomas and ready to move into the next stage of their lives.

It's true each one of those graduates has his or her own story; their struggles they had to overcome. One girl was nine-months pregnant when she accepted her diploma. One graduate started with only 10 credits. Another graduate said she will be the first in her family to ever graduate.

These graduates fought for their education. They didn't skate through it. These graduates have had to deal with the struggles that were placed before them or that they've placed before themselves, and turned out on top.

I have a story about this graduation on The Spectrum's Web site and a blog about graduations.
Photo was taken by Christopher Onstott.


  1. Okay post, but how did it make you feel???

  2. Shut up Erik! What nerve! I was thinking after reading this, that those kids at the alternative school also didn't have parents always supporting them, or friends who would stand by them. I know I have a family full of derelicts. None of them were given much direction and even in such schools were put down as worthless. I am sure they did deserve those diplomas and congrats that much more for sticking it out!!
