Friday, May 15, 2009

What Do Women REALLY Want?

So for probably the third time now I've covered this event called the What Women Want Expo. I guess I wouldn't mind covering it so much except it's put on by the newspaper that I work for as a moneymaker. I feel, in a way, dirty every time I go, come back and write a story that is totally PR.

Like I said, dirty.

Anyway, although this expo is a moneymaker, it has some cool things and to the company's credit; it does try to give back to the community. Yet I had a problem because I would say a lot of the booths were just jewelry. It was a variety of jewelry but still, just jewelry. Honestly, do women really only want look for the bling when they shop?

Next to the bling of course were the smelly good lotions and of course all the booths dedicated to beauty.

Then we had the booths that really made me mad; the vendors advertising cleaning products like mops, vacuums and such. Who let those guys in?! I thought the expo was for women, not men. I felt I had stepped back a few decades into the 1950s.

However, my favorite booth was a vendor advertising obedience training for dogs. I thought that was pretty awesome. If anything, every woman needs a well-behaved pet, because God certainly knows us ladies can't get our men trained to do even simple tricks - but I'm sure they feel the same about us.

Anyway, my award-winning story on What Women Want will be on line tomorrow.


  1. You are right on about the "Beauty Expo" I guess thats why I like to go, although now that I don't go to "Network" I find I just don't go! Maybe I know what I want and I know it isn't in a booth in a stadium or social hall. What do women really want Tiffany?

  2. That is what some women want, a well-behaved pet.
